Dear Oyo,
I with one of my colleague, Ramesh Tiwari, had to travel to Gurgaon on Sep 1 for a business meeting. My company DMX technologies had booked a Premiere Oyoroom - Oyo Premiere DLF Square with booking id UBYD8249 for one night.
We took a morning flight of 9:30 AM & reached Gurgaon at around 12:30 PM. We had our meeting scheduled at around 2:30 PM. On reaching Gurgaon, we had tough time locating the hotel. Inspite of your email having directions, even a local taxi guy was unable to find your hotel & even the local people were unable to guide us.
Finally the taxi guy gave up & took us to an Oyo hotel that he was aware of in that area. On reaching the hotel, the hotel owner said that we are booked for a different Oyo hotel.
Your system never passed us any direct contact of the owner. All we have is Oyo customer care number. We had to request everytime to Oyo customer care to connect us to the hotel owner while we struggle to find the hotel.
After a couple of phone calls connect/disconnect (dont know if it is poor network or its your connect system which is in fault), we finally spoke to the hotel owner at around 1:30 PM & mentioned our issue to him. To our utmost surprise, the hotel owner acknowledged our booking but plainly told us not to come as he does not have any rooms empty for us.
Now being on our own, we had to request the Oyo hotel owner where we had reached for a place. He agreed to give us a room. The room was filled with dust & the bathroom was not at all clean. We only had half an hour left for our meet, so we just checked-in, freshened up & left for the meeting.
During our meet, I received a call from your customer care guys. I could not talk & had to speak to your guys post meeting at around 6 PM. What really apalled me is that Oyo customer care acknowledged that there is a lack of service from their side, but they had the guts to ask us to make a new booking instead of fixing the old one.
We gave up, went back to the hotel, checked out & moved to Ginger hotel for good.
This is what we faced on Sep 1. Hopefully the feedback will help you fix your process at Oyo.
Arun Gupta