Yet-another-grudge-site .. why ?

This idea largely came when Ashish aka Pocha was having a lot of problems dealing with widely prevalent bureaucracy & shitty quality of service while running & eventually shutting his startup . Pocha then decided to do something about it. At first, he thought of creating a site for public shaming. The idea was to shame individuals/brands who do not provide the service they ought to be, to their customers.

How it would be different from so many reviews site, specially Mouthshut, is the first question that came to his mind. The answer was simple. This place will not be for people who just want to come, bash the brand/individual in one line & go away. This is for those, who intend to write a detailed report (in decent English of-course) with proofs of their bad experience. It could be screenshots of email interaction, tweets or any other verfiable stuff.

Another prominent idea was to expose individual’s identity to the level that if somebody google for individual name working in xxx company, the post on this site should come on top. Pocha felt that while a lot of brands are trying to provide good level of service, a few individuals compensate for all the hard work by the brands with their lousy service/attitude towards the customers. It would be more appropriate to target the individuals rather targeting the brand.

Want to contribute ?

By adding a post on this place, we are going to make the world a better place for you, for me (& guess for everybody). The idea is not new but its universal.

The only catch here is, you need to be good with git, github & markdown. Fork this repo, add your post & send a pull request. If you are sending requests too frequently, you will be made member of the github org.

Let the pull requests begin.